Recruitment, Retention, Affordability, and the Role of Health Benefit Design

The current global disruptions are forcing businesses to respond to new and different types of workforce challenges, all of which are presenting opportunities for reevaluation and innovation. You cannot afford to miss this conversation with three industry experts who are offering real time insight into how they're tackling challenges employers are facing in 2022.

Join us and learn:

  • Best practices and actionable tips from a diverse panel of industry experts;
  • Insights and predictions into what is being asked for by the current workforce;
  • How a Nonstop first-dollar coverage approach to health benefits will improve health trends within your own organization without requiring carrier or broker changes.


Register now!

Event Date(s): 
Tuesday, February 22, 2022, 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Virtual Event
Anywhere, NC 00000
United States
Event Contact: