HR Trends in Employee Retention

High employee turnover can be a major challenge for nonprofit organizations. When employees leave, it requires significant resources to train and orient new staff, leading to disruption in day-to-day operations. High turnover can also lead to an organizational culture of instability, reducing morale and weakening relationships with volunteers and donors. Nonprofit organizations must take steps now to reduce high turnover and retain their valued employees.

Join this conversation with leaders from across the country with expertise in employee retention strategies to discover the latest trends in tackling high turnover rates. You'll about hear techniques that can help equip you with the critical skills necessary to retain your most valuable assets – your employees. We'll also explore how to identify and address the root causes of turnover, and ways to engage and develop your workforce that foster job longevity.

Register now.

Event Date(s): 
Thursday, June 22, 2023, 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Don Harley, HR Compliance Officer, NCCOA
Elizabeth Reynaga, Assistant Program Director, Success in Recovery
Luke Blankenship, VP of HR & Compliance, DePelchin
Stefanie Lomax, CEO & Human Resource Strategist, HRPro4You
Adam Thorn, UST (moderator)
Anywhere, NC 00000
United States
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