Grant Writing

If you are a beginning grant writer, this course will provide you with the essential tools needed to write a successful grant proposal from start to finish. For those more experienced, this workshop will sharpen your skills and keep you up-to-date through discussions of current grant writing trends. Learn about the grantsmanship process - from foundation research and cultivation to the development and writing of a winning proposal. You will learn about the typical questions funders ask when considering a proposal and the criteria used. Class participants will have an opportunity to review and critique a proposal. Tips for ensuring grant compliance and improving your chances of future grant success will be discussed.

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Event Date(s): 
Monday, April 23, 2018, 9:00am to 4:00pm
$150; Materials fee: $10
Melissa Beard
Duke University
Smith Warehouse, Bay 6, B173
Durham, NC 27701
United States
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