Developing a Donor Engagement Plan for 2024

Fundraisers and nonprofit communicators know how vital it is to inform and inspire donors regularly. But the year ahead is likely to be filled with distractions – from ongoing economic uncertainty and geopolitical strife to a U.S. presidential election – so cutting through the noise will take creativity and thoughtful planning. 

How can you keep supporters connected to your cause in unpredictable times?

Join this 75-minute webinar to learn how to map out a year-long strategy that keeps donors connected to your cause, can be adjusted in response to events or economic conditions, and lays a strong foundation for year-end fundraising appeals.

Register now.

Event Date(s): 
Thursday, January 18, 2024, 2:00pm to 3:15pm
Jen Newmeyer, Senior Director, Digital Fundraising Strategy, PBS
Farra Trompeter, Co-Director, Big Duck
Margie Fleming Glennon, Senior Director, Product Strategy, Chronicle of Philanthropy
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