Build a Culture of Fundraising to Raise More Money

The best fundraising involves collaboration among gift officers, leaders, trustees, and program staff. But those who work outside the development department don’t always know how to build ties with donors – or feel comfortable asking people for money.

Before the giving season is in full swing, join this webinar to get actionable advice on how to help everyone at your nonprofit understand their role in fostering positive donor relations. You’ll learn from veteran fundraisers how to foster an organizational culture that prioritizes fundraising because it makes the mission possible. Expert guests will share concrete ways to engage staff, volunteers, and board members in fundraising; how to motivate and help them succeed; and ways to measure your results so you raise more money over time.

Participants can earn 1.25 CFRE credits.

Register now.

Event Date(s): 
Thursday, October 27, 2022, 2:00pm to 3:15pm
Jennifer Bing, Director of Philanthropy, National Center for Lesbian Rights; Michael O’Neill, Founder and President, Beneficence Partners
Anywhere, NC 00000
United States
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