
The Nonprofit Hiring Toolkit: How to Find the Best Talent

The Nonprofit Hiring Toolkit: How to find and hire the best talent gives a thorough outline of all stages of the hiring process, with tips for using social media to attract talent, sample interview questions, and the importance of employee agreements. The kit also has sample job descriptions for Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operations Officer, plus various communications, development, and program positions. (

Businesses and Nonprofits: Insights and Perspectives

This session offers an opportunity for conference participants to hear insights from business leaders about trends and issues in supporting North Carolina’s nonprofit sector. Topics may include: opportunities and issues in supporting nonprofits during the pandemic; equity and inclusion; business and nonprofit opportunities and partnerships; sponsorship changes in these virtual times; the future of business support for nonprofits.

Recording length: 1 hour, 14 minutes

Reaffirming the Arts Amid COVID-19

Jeanne Tedrow, President & CEO, North Carolian Center for Nonprofits

The arts empower. The arts give a voice to the voiceless. The arts help transform American communities and, as I often say, the result can be a better child, a better town, a better nation and certainly a better world. Let’s champion our arts action heroes, emulate them and make our communities everything we want them to be.
–Robert L. Lynch, President, Americans for the Arts