public policy

2023 Public Policy Agenda for North Carolina's Nonprofit Sector

The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits takes positions on state and federal public policy issues that affect most or all 501(c)(3) nonprofits in North Carolina. The Center generally does not take positions on issues that affect only one field – such as arts or early childhood – unless the issue sets a precedent that could affect all nonprofits. The Center also generally does not take positions on local public policy issues unless these would set a precedent that could affect all North Carolina nonprofits.

Do I Really Need to Congratulate That Politician?: Building Working Relationships with Lawmakers Who Make You Cringe

Lisa Hazirjian, Ph.D., Win Together Consulting

Back in November, I published this blog encouraging nonprofit leaders to begin building relationships with elected officials by sending an email congratulating them on their victory. I was surprised and delighted by how much traffic and praise the blog generated. Yet the response I found myself thinking about the most was this question left on LinkedIn by my colleague Veronica LaFemina:

Budgets Matter: Trends & Opportunities to Align Public Budgets with People's Priorities

In this critical moment of recovery with the persistence of barriers to resiliency, public funding for the public good can provide a critical support to protecting families and communities and advancing more equitable outcomes by laying the foundation for a better North Carolina. Essential to making progress in the long-term towards our shared goals is the ability of the state to raise the funds needed and the important role we all can play in making the case for public investments. 

Nonprofit Policy Briefing

Get an overview of the latest federal COVID-19 relief plans – including the American Rescue Plan Act – the state budget and major legislation affecting nonprofits, and potential policy solutions that could help nonprofits during the 2021 NC legislative session.


Presenter: David Heinen, Vice President for Public Policy and Advocacy, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

Recording length: 1 hour, 2 minutes


Tax Reform Implications for Nonprofits

David Heinen, Vice President for Public Policy and Advocacy, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

November 16, 2017

This fall, Congress is in the process of rewriting the Internal Revenue Code with the dual goals of lowering individual and corporate income tax rates and simplifying our nation’s tax laws. This tax overhaul has major implications for 501(c)(3) nonprofits.