
The Nuts and Bolts of Program Evaluation: Designing Effective Logic Models and Evaluating Service-Oriented Nonprofits

Nonprofits are constantly being assessed by potential funders who are seeking to understand the impact of nonprofits in the communities they are meant to serve. Without knowing how to clearly evaluate and articulate their impact, nonprofits run the risk of inspiring less support for their mission.

The Nonprofit Hiring Toolkit: How to Find the Best Talent

The Nonprofit Hiring Toolkit: How to find and hire the best talent gives a thorough outline of all stages of the hiring process, with tips for using social media to attract talent, sample interview questions, and the importance of employee agreements. The kit also has sample job descriptions for Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operations Officer, plus various communications, development, and program positions. (

Nonprofit Strategic Technology Planning Guide

Nonprofit Strategic Technology Planning Guide offers a step-by-step approach to designing a long-term technology plan for your nonprofit. It identifies specific meetings you would need to have with your technology steering committee and other stakeholders in each phase, deliverables to achieve at each step of the strategic planning process, and tools for needs such as calculating Total Cost of Ownership.