
2024: Election Tip: Get Free (and Really Helpful) Resources from You Can Vote

Leading up to the 2024 primary election this spring and the general election this fall, the Center will offer a variety of tips for nonprofits about nonpartisan voter registration and voter education. We encourage you to share these tips with your staff, board, and the people you serve. This week’s tip: You Can Vote offers many free, user-friendly, and nonpartisan resources on voter education. You Can Vote’s resources include:

2024 Election Tip: If You Plan to Vote by Mail, Request Your Absentee Ballot Today

Leading up to the 2024 primary election this spring and the general election this fall, the Center will offer a variety of tips for nonprofits about nonpartisan voter registration and voter education. We encourage you to share these tips with your staff, board, and the people you serve. This week’s tip: Now is the time to request your absentee ballot.

2022 Candidate Questionnaire Responses by County Map

The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits invited every candidate running for statewide office in the 2022 elections to share their insights on questions of interest to nonprofits across the state. Our goal is to help voters – particularly people who work for, volunteer with, or are served by nonprofits – be better informed about candidates.

Here are the candidate responses and contact info for US Senate:

Everything Your Nonprofit Needs to Know about the 2022 Election

This spring and fall, voters across North Carolina will go to the polls to elect new members of Congress, the state legislature, judges, and local officials. These elected officials will be entrusted to make decisions on laws and policies of critical importance to the work of every NC nonprofit. This webinar will provide an overview of the 2022 election for nonprofits, including: