Managing a Remote Team -- Providing Support and Structure From a Distance

Description:  Are you transitioning from managing a traditional team to a more remote team? Where do you begin? Before the Coronavirus, approximately 2.9 million people in the United States worked full-time as remote workers. Today, remote working arrangements where possible have taken over our business communities. Before the Coronavirus, reports indicated that 37% of organizations had experienced an increase in the number of requests for "flexible work arrangements" and up to 80 % of employees wanted to be able to work from home at least some of the time. Once the business community begins to return to pre-pandemic operations, it’s quite likely the appeal of remote work will continue. Reliance on virtual teams to accomplish your team goals and team member objectives brings its own challenges and uncertainty. Remote management requires the right structure and support systems be in place, to make sure that the work your team accomplishes in their remote working environments reflects both your shared goals and purpose.  Instructor:  Robert Kenney.

What You Will Learn

After this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Secure team commitment
  • Intentionally convey role assignments and proper work habits to team members now working remotely
  • Ensure that communication is robust and that team members communicate almost effortlessly
  • Make sure team member objectives align with the outcome and deliverables you need from the team
  • Give clear directions, objectives, and context
  • Plan for more effective virtual meetings

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Event Date(s): 
Friday, October 16, 2020, 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Anywhere, NC 00000
United States