2022 Candidate Questionnaire Responses by County Map

The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits invited every candidate running for statewide office in the 2022 elections to share their insights on questions of interest to nonprofits across the state. Our goal is to help voters – particularly people who work for, volunteer with, or are served by nonprofits – be better informed about candidates.

Here are the candidate responses and contact info for US Senate:

Cheri Beasley - Democrat: Survey not completed   info@cheribeasley.com
Shannon Bray - Libertarian: Questionnaire Response   https://www.shannonbray.us/contact (webform)
Ted Budd - Republican: Survey not completed   info@tedbudd.com
Matthew Hoh - Green: Questionnaire Response   info@matthewhohforsenate.org

Below are the candidate responses and contact info for all other races:

Tip: To get started, click on your county below to explore candidate responses. You may need to temporarily disable your browser popup blocker if linked response .pdf files don't automatically open in a new window.


The questionnaire contained the following questions:

Q1. Please tell us about your personal experiences with nonprofits. These may include experiences with any organizations that have served you and/or fellow residents of your community, or specific nonprofits for which you’ve served as a board member, staff person, volunteer, or donor. How do these experiences shape your policy positions?

Q2. If elected, what would be your top three policy priorities?

Q3. The Center advocates on public policy issues that affect North Carolina’s nonprofit sector and works with the NC General Assembly and North Carolina’s members of Congress to develop laws and policies that save nonprofits time and money, help nonprofits operate more effectively, and preserve the public’s trust in North Carolina’s nonprofit sector.

Our policy agenda includes:

· Ensuring that all 501(c)(3) nonprofits are fully exempt from federal, state, and local taxes.

· Promoting new and expanded tax deductions and credits that encourage individuals and businesses to give generously to support their communities through the work of charitable nonprofits.

· Supporting policy solutions that will address thenonprofit workforce shortage, including increased funding to support jobs in the nonprofit sector and investment in accessible and affordable child care.

· Seeking solutions to long-standing challenges that nonprofits face when they provide public services through government grants and contracts, including late contracts, late payments, overly complicated application and reporting requirements, and underpayment for indirect costs.

· Promoting laws that will help nonprofits and businesses alike to provide affordable and high-quality health care and other benefits to their employees.

If elected, which of these policy goals would you support most enthusiastically, and why?
