Public Policy Agenda

The Center advocates on public policy issues that affect North Carolina’s nonprofit sector and works with the North Carolina General Assembly, Congress, and federal and state agencies to develop laws and policies that save nonprofits time and money, help nonprofits operate more effectively, and preserve the public’s trust in North Carolina’s nonprofit sector. We mobilize nonprofits of many missions and budgets to be advocates on sector-wide issues.

Explore the Center's 2024 Public Policy Agenda for North Carolina's Nonprofit Sector.


The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits takes positions on state and federal public policy issues that affect most or all 501(c)(3) nonprofits in North Carolina. The Center generally does not take positions on issues that affect only one field – such as arts or early childhood – unless the issue sets a precedent that could affect all nonprofits. The Center also generally does not take positions on local public policy issues unless these would set a precedent that could affect all North Carolina nonprofits. When appropriate, the Center will work with state associations of local government officials to ensure that counties and cities across North Carolina have consistent rules and policies that facilitate a strong, vibrant nonprofit sector.